woensdag 11 oktober 2017

EUIA PRESS at EUBorderRegions workshop Language Learning - Removing language barriers to create more dynamic border regions

Experts about : Language Learning / Learning an extra language to create more dynamic on border regions.
Multi linguistic education /

http://www.leonardo-lets.net LeTS Go project
http://www.signmedia.tv Transfer of Innovation. how to teach English to students who use sign language.
Accessible language learning for the wellness sector.
Language Learning and work.
TEDS - Teaching English to Deaf Students
Innovating pedagogical approaches ..
Comenius Multilateral Networks
55+ InMete / Innovative methods / http://inmete55plus.blogspot.com / Erasmus+ / Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership
An important subject.
Working with the cohesion policy in Europe.
Border Regions in Europe.
25 years of experience. Spending money on good projects, money can't solve all the problems.
People experience problems in the border regions. Obstacles in the last 2 years are focussing on legal and adminstrative consultation and needs support in studies and good practices.
Continuing on 10 action points, ..
Unused potential - Day to day work.
Local transport, Local pubic transport / across the border - expensive / not integrated
Health caare problems, provisions not fully exploited.
European Institutions - MS - regions - Stakeholders / Border Focal Point in EC (REGIO)
What can be done? What needs to be changed?
A platform for exchange of good practices / end 2017 planned.

Also visit  / 

“Territory matters: 

Keeping Europe and its regions competitive”

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